Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A beginning!

It has begun. I have started to write script pages for The Mayfair Affair.

On December 21, I pounded out the first 20 pages of script, another 24 pages on the 28th, and today, I have about 25 (That's a total of about 69 for the math-deprived). This is all some really terrible first draft writing, but I continue to make discoveries, as my pre-conceived ideas seem to take a back seat to whatever the characters start to say while I type - though I am hitting all of the major plot points (a necessity in a farce comedy - which needs to have a highly structured plot). I have reached some moments which should hit right around the end of Part One (pre-intermission), and a big scene that I think should go in part two. Though I do think there might be more setup necessary before I could call part one 'done' even for a first draft.

I'm actually just glad that all of the characters finally have names now - which really helps when trying to flesh them out as full characters and not just 'the maid' or 'the male thief'. Obviously, there will be a lot of cleaning up to do - including re-establishing some of those initial ideas, but a start is a start.

The goal is to have a full first draft (which I'm guesstimating will have about 100 pages, maybe a little more) sometime over the weekend. That's long for a play, but inevitably there will be some trimming. With a pending trip next week, I'd like to have at least this first pass done before I leave. Perhaps putting it in the drawer for a week while I'm gone will let it settle before charging ahead with another draft.

Kind of funny, the idea first came to me in early January, while making the long drive back from visiting family - roughly the same trip I'll be taking next week...

So much to do - but glad to finally be at a beginning - a whole year later!

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