Tuesday, August 7, 2012

About... Communication - Day 06


Day 06 and I'm back on track.  Except that it is far too late at night right now.  Seriously, the Olympics are killing me.  Maybe I have a shot at writing in the morning tomorrow...

So this play is another tough one - three characters all talking on phones but not necessarily to each other... or are they?  Not so far as I can tell at this point.  If I ever come back to this idea, I may try for that a little more.  But much like some of my other work, I'm intrigued by juxtaposing two halves of conversations next to each other to make an almost-connecting third conversation.  I'm also fond of making things I do at random sound like important exercises and research.

The names came from nowhere, just that when I'm writing a lot of short things like this, I hate to repeat names, so eventually the names become random collections of letters and punctuation symbols that approximate names.

These late night writing sessions seem to all happen at the dining room table.  And let me tell you, these chairs are not at all comfortable after about an hour and a half.

I was listening to The Hand That Feeds by Nine Inch Nails for a while during the writing.  I took a break and stopped the song, and when I came back to writing I forgot to restart it.  I don't know what it contributed to the play, perhaps nothing.

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