Saturday, August 11, 2012

About... Gary's Family Photos - Day 11

Gary's Family Photos - script

Day 11, script 11, back on track (other than finishing after midnight)

So, yesterday, I was out having a first day of school milkshake with my family at a local restaurant where a friend was working, so we had a brief chat, and mentioned that she'd seen photos of my kids on facebook, but never actually seen them live.  We joked about how someone could just say they have a family, but not have one, just photoshop a bunch of pictures.  She laughed when I said I'd write a play about that.

No music this time.  Just me, sitting at the dining room table.  late at night.  typing away.

The submission confirmation email that I got back after I turned in this script pointed out that I'm now over a third of the way done with the 31 days.  I should feel pretty good about that - but I'm looking ahead at the calendar for the next 20 days; a lot of stuff is coming my way.  Just hoping I can keep up the pace.  Wisdom might say that I should write ahead a little bit while I can....

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