Sunday, August 12, 2012

About... Find and Replace - Day 12

Find and Replace - script

Day 12.  Still writing in my dining room, late at night.  I'd really like to change that - time and place.  Today's song: One Headlight by The Wallflowers.

So I've been playing with this flowing scene form for a while - all characters occupying the stage and just easily flowing in and out of scene.  I've not actually gotten one staged, so I don't quite know yet if they work at all, but writing them is an enjoyable process.  Essentially micro-scenes, they force me to get right into the moment and don't let me linger too long - they demand to keep moving.

No forethought on this one - just started with the song and picked some starter dialogue.  Looking back, maybe the first scene ends up being the most disconnected from everything else going on, but working on that would take revision time that I don't have.

I generally try to avoid writing about writers anymore.  But in this quick-writing process, sometimes the discovery just kind of falls out.  Didn't set out for two of these three to be writers - and maybe in reality only one of them is.  Writing this really felt like scratching the surface of something a lot deeper.  I could have kept writing for hours - things kept occurring to me to add into the play, but it would have taken more time than I have allotted for it.  And, of course, tomorrow is another play.  I can imagine that trying to re-capture this story would be pretty hard, so I won't assume that I could come back to it next month.  Sorry, Khandi, Ed and Paul.  Your story just might have to stop here.

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